sp04 - Geiler Hydrant by Spacepigs [web]
cAn yoU FInD thE seCrEt meSSage? ________________________________________________________________________ A NEwset dEMOscEmE: __________________ __________ __ ____ ______ ____ ___ _ ________ / ____/ ____/ _/ / / ____/ __ \ / / / /\ \/ / __ \/ __ \/ | / | / /_ __/ / / __/ __/ / // / / __/ / /_/ / / /_/ / \ / / / / /_/ / /| | / |/ / / / / /_/ / /____/ // /___/ /___/ _, _/ / __ / / / /_/ / _, _/ ___ |/ /| / / / \____/_____/___/_____/_____/_/ |_| /_/ /_/ /_/_____/_/ |_/_/ |_/_/ |_/ /_/ By spaCeigPspigs / spacepigs || || 2021 uNdground cnofeRENCe ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @ UNDerconference 20221- march 31st 2018 july / bingen ______________________________________________________________________________ the killa pig0RZ FROM SPaCE arE BacK And BRiNG0RZ U TON0RZ of NEw eFFecT0Rz the secret message requires some more characters here. bah blah demoszene scene. ==========s=p=a=c=e=p=i=g=s=================================================== presentz a new killer release at breakpoint 2081 here we go now: the nose was the limit, but not this time: space pigs present a hydrant who redefines what a game is like. when space pigs play a game, they become like an animal-like avatar of a game you played on your ipod. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ | __| _ | _ | | __| _ | | __| __| |__ | __| | --| __| __|- -| | |__ | |_____|__| |__|__|_____|_____|__| |_____|_____|_____| in one of my first real games online, space pigs was something of a virtual dinosaur. an actual one. and that's the reason why i feel like in games there's a good deal of respect for this sort of thing. so much of what the idea of being a spaceship was about was that it was the game you were playing. it was all about running through asteroids and landing on them from your perspective, so you were in orbit. and then there's a lot of "hey, space is a fun, interactive experience!" moment in the game, where your entire spaceflight is about to end up a disaster. then as you get closer to the end of the game in which the story really begins to open, sometimes you're in a space that appears to be very alien and very alien, but it's actually just a game about making friends that everyone else in the game seems to enjoy as they go along. this is definitely something i want in games as a way of seeing them as one big show, so sometimes i feel like these things we've seen on the sopranos have really caught my imagination. how do your game worlds, in contrast to your previous experiences, reflect what you think of yourself. who would have thought that the demoscene could evolve into another organism? or was their creation an overproduction of material? were their genetic effects limited to the reproductive organs of animals and plants? _________ ___ ____ / ___/ __ \/ _ \/ __/ / /__/ /_/ / // / _/ \___/\____/____/___/ by kringelk. / jocksafson there is no question that as we now know, the human genome contains nearly half of all the genetic information necessary for life. a single gene can influence almost everything from growth to disease to genetic stability to mutation. a single gene from a single genome is thought to influence the composition, composition, and composition of the genes that are produced by our cells. and a single gene can alter the shape of a cell. ___ ___ ______ / _ | / _ \/_ __/ / __ |/ , _/ / / /_/ |_/_/|_| /_/ shaman / brie thus, an extremely large portion of the human genome is composed exclusively of genetic material only. but many elements and molecules can alter and change the composition of many elements and molecules that we would normally see in modern living organisms. these changes in composition, mutation, and fate would be significant for life's basic structures like nervous systems, organs, and the whole person. they would have profound implications upon most other changes in physiology and behavior, including on our ability to communicate with our fellow creatures and communicate with their ancestors. _____ / ___/__ _______ __ _ ___ / (_ / -_) __/ _ \/ ' \/ -_) \___/\__/_/ \___/_/_/_/\__/ music i do not share your concern that you are living a life which does not produce any of these changes. i do not worry about your worry as an individual. in fact, i have often concluded that you are living a much bigger and wiser life than i have. you were a pioneer in the field of biochemistry - and i am very grateful. -------------------- o o o__ __o o__ __o o__ __o <|> <|> /v v\ <| v\ /v v\ < > < > /> <\ / \ <\ /> <\ | | o/ \o \o/ o/ o/ \o o__/_ _\__o <| |> |__ _<| <| |> | | \\ // | \ \\ // <o> <o> \ / <o> / \ / | | o o | o o o / \ / \ <\__ __/> / \ __/> <\__ __/> :: combining the primeval need to create and reproduce with the sheer power of modern technology. an almost insurmouthable task at first glance. but spcapeig are not easily scared and proud to give you the opportunity to witness the resulting erurption of creativitatness, echoing in space for eternity... - c. amembert it is a story that has been told before, over and over again. the glittering sky is my witness, witnessing these words. a stonemnason once said: intel. but what is iq? where is sanity? what is life? contraptions we have beheld since antiquity. this is mankind, this is altruitous french. ftuit cake, as the intrinsic machinization of contemplatitve meaning, to be bactressed whenkelve. metrokon behalve vonkosm retrubatio. so he spoke, and went silent. - brie shaman /((((////////////////*******************//(//************************////////// *///////***********,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,//((#########(/,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,******// ******,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...........*((##%%%//((%%&&&&%(*. .........,.,,,,,,,,,,,** ****,,,,,,,,,,,,,,............*(/*((//(//////((%(##%&(,**, .........,,,,,,,,, ,********,,,,,,,,,.........*////*(*/***((**#((((#(###((/. . .........,,,,,, 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presentation will baffle you... because they are not doing so well! this paper tries to show how to find out if a person is going to be ok for this condition, even if they have not ever received a doctor's appointment yet. it is a very practical method that can help people. some experts say this way may be less efficient and less effective than using a needle to remove someone's body tissue in a controlled way. however, the methods of taking blood samples and measuring how well it is removed make this procedure much more efficient to people with conditions like diabetes. what you'll have to do after the exam you'll have to meet the requirement to apply for a clinical trial, but you will need to pay the costs of a clinical trial as well. the results might be very different after you have your application done if you don't pay. now that we have some knowledge, let's get started as it will be helpful throughout this presentation! informals will be on screen. for those of you who are reading this you probably have seen a large number of the online testimonials on here. in reality we do not have all the complete testimonials available, but they are enough to get you to start looking further into how to do a trial. mmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnmnmmm mmdosdonmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnnmmdomohdmm mhho++/+nyymmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmonn:s/sohdm mmh+----//ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmn+o/--::+ymm mmmno---:+hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnyo+/+smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmo/:---snmmm mmmmmy+//+nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy::-...--+hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh/::+dmmmmm mmmmmmyoodmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmd--:-----::.smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy//sdmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm+:++yo/////nmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmnddmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmyonmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsoooo/oo+o+osnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmno`hmmmmmnmmmmm 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"weichkse" amembert musIc: graNA "SATAn" pAdamo tExt: christiNe "maik" cropaganda gAFFER: HERmann-gerome "KrINgelkse" maier ______________________________________________________________________________ further information: why can't eVeryone enjoy our dIversity? isn't people always mOre toLeRANT than they aRE? AND WHAt does thAt really mEAN? (This aRtIcLE FIRsT appearEd on slATe.) if yoU Are not cURrentLy A Member oF our cOmmunitY, you can SIgn up bY vIsitinG The meMBErshiP GUidelINes page BelOw. aDVErTisEMenT whaT do You wAnT To seE FrOm thE 2018 g.i. Nobel METeoriK pRize FinaList? In A REcENt iNTeRvieW WitH abc News, sTANford LaW schOOl ProfESSOr robeRt stiles Told InTeRVIeweR eRiC bOOrStein tHAt if onLY thE nOBEl prIZe In medICIne hAD bEen awARdEd To sOmEOne who "wAs a greAt phYSician oR a GReaT psYChoLoGist, and peRhapS SoMeonE whO alsO had A DEgREe oF trAiNINg iN mEDIciNE, THEn wE all WouLd HaVe agREED on AN idea aBOut THe ImPORTANCe oF DIvERSitY in medICine. It WOulD hAvE goTTen A loT bIGGer ANd BIggEr the moRe YoU wENt aLONG." sTiles Said THAT if ScieNce weRE A meRiToCracY, whY arEN'T PeoPle lIkE tHe One nObEL laUReatE CHArlES daRwin, WHO ChAmpioNed The USe Of fORCe By tHE ArMy In world waR I, BEing reWArded foR his efforts to ENSuRE that all men were treated equally? "the idea that we should be accepting of ideas or thinking of ideas in response to people's wishes isn't a good one," she said. "some people take an idea, say, to show some sympathy for other ideas, or to offer support as a way to change a belief." we can not fathom the belief in the pig. is it pork, or what has the slaughterhouse been cooking for so long? should a slaughterhouse have done not care about anything but that? the pig is the symbol of a nation whose heart is crushed by the human spirit.
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