hilixir by Titan [web]
. : ___ : __: _ ____ ) / . . \ ( ___ _ \\ | | // | : ____ : | . | _| _) (_ |_ | . . ! _ __)|\) (/|(__ _ ! . . .:..... | ...\\ _ _ //.. | .....:. . . .:...........: | \ (oO) / | :...........:. . : : | _ _\ , /_ _ | : : : : ! ) \_\ /_/ ( ! : : ________ _______ ____\ __ / ___________ _________________ _____\_ _/____(_______)_ __\_ \ /_ /__ __\____ /_\ ______ / _\ _ _ /_ // _ \ / /_ (/ / \ (/ / /____/ \____\ /_____/ \ ____\ / / \/ / / \ / \ / / / / /_______ \ / \ / / / / . \_______________________________\ ___________________/ /_ _ . \ . _ /_________\ o /_|_ _\ _ _|_\ : __| \ |__ o : ) | o | ( : | : . : : | . . | | Titan presents | | hilixir : : a 2k executable graphic artfile : | : | code :: fizzer : | design :: fizzer : : : : Countless unseeable unfathomable events occur continuously : : and momentarily without relent. Thoughts, signals, stimula : : tions and impulses fire with a ferocious power - an intang : : ible and indiscernable "something". The past is a vast suf : : focating blanket pricked with electrical-memory pins. Froz : : en imagery from somewhere within. : : My initial aim with this was to fit it into 1k, but I foun : : d that I could not be happy with sacrificing any aspect of : : the design for the sake of reaching that threshold. Simila : : rly, I found that I could not comfortably fill up the spac : : e to 4k. I decided that I would compress it as I could whi : : lst keeping the appearance fully intact. : : So here it is, call it a bloated 1k or an emaciated 4k or : : a '2k'. : : OpenGL 4 is required. : : : : : : Released on the 13.10.13 : : at TRSAC : : : : EFNET #titandemo : : http://titandemo.org : : titan.at.untergrund.dot.net . http://milkytracker.net : . http://intro-inferno.com : ........ | : : : | _ __ | ..........:........:........ : __ _ ((_//_:________________:___ : : ____:________________:_\\_)) : : /_______:________:____\ : : [c] vouck : : : : "brb, cig." awd/dft `..........:........:........´ trs/ : : :........:
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