
AE64 by QubaHQ [web]

AE64 is my tribute to the demoscene and to the legacy 
of world’s most popular microcomputer: Commodore 64. 
While the video was created using the typical contemporary 
arsenal of tools (mainly After Effects and Cinema 4D), 
it conforms to most of the basic graphical limitations of 
the C64 such as a limited 16-color palette, low resolution, 
use of the overscan area etc. To maintain the spirit of 
the demo, I also created most of the effects using various 
scripts and code snippets, procedurally automating many 
of the tasks typically animated using keyframes.

The idea for this video (or, if you prefer, a “wild demo”) 
came to me a few weeks ago, during the 7DX demoparty. 
Seeing how this nearly 30 year old system still has people 
coding for it, developing new tools and techniques as well 
as actively participating in various demo competitions – 
really stroke a note of nostalgia in me. I remembered my 
first C64, countless hours of games, graphic programs, 
chip tunes… I even recall creating some zine with my 
friends and printing it on a noisy dot matrix printer. 
(To be technically correct, my first computer was an 
Atari 65XE, but for the sake of the story, let’s 
ignore it.)

For the soundtrack of this piece I chose “Katana Blaster 
(Constantly Playing Mix)” from the album “Impostor 
Nostalgia” by Big Giant Circles. The piece was composed 
by Mick Gordon and since I pretty much had it playing on 
a loop for several weeks now, I simply had to use it. 
The song manages to beautifully mix the classic chip tune 
sounds with contemporary electronic vibes and dubstep 
rhythm – and Mick was kind enough to give me the rights 
to use it for this video.

If you ever owned a C64, 
I am sure you will enjoy this piece. 
Happy new year!

Concept, Design, Animation & Scripting: Quba Michalski
Music: Mick Gordon
Tools: After Effects, Cinema 4D