
QuantumBanana by Feryx

QuantumBanana - Feryx^Lunaticats
Code/Dra/blender: Feryx^Lunaticats^lal  
Contact: -Feryx@Feryx.hu
The Music: lyrics: Feryx 
[Verse 1]
The demoscene captured my soul,
Since SceneCon, it's my life and goal.
This is my life, it pulled me in,
Now it's a part of me deep within.

Demoscene, the eternal fire,
Code and pixels that inspire.
So much work, but we all know,
The demoscene forever will glow.

[Verse 2]
Spinning cubes, shader magic,
Fractal worlds that feel so classic.
Bit by bit, a brand-new wonder,
This feeling pulls us all asunder!

Demoscene, the eternal fire,
Code and pixels that inspire.
So much work, but we all know,
The demoscene forever will glow.

[Verse 3]
That's why I’m throwing my own fest,
Next year, ten years Q B party's the best!
Together we’ll celebrate till dawn,
Demoscene, with our hardcore bond.

[Verse 4]
Grab a beer, take a seat,
The real party’s outside, feel the beat.
Join the fun, let’s make it loud,
Demoscene, we’re a lively crowd!

Flashing lights, the bass is pounding,
This is life, where joy’s resounding.
Euphoria lifts us higher,
Demoscene fuels our fire!

Demoscene, the eternal fire,
Code and pixels that inspire.
So much art, but we all know,
The demoscene forever will glow.

Demoscene is eternal, you see,
Always here, so let it be.
This is the world that drives our art,
The scene is waiting to joining US!
For: Experience Demoparty demoCompo 2024.
Sorry for the bugs.. 
I not have enought free time for it..
This demo is a freeware product.
By: Feryx 2024