57.11 seconds by LIQUËURBOYZ
57.11 seconds by LIQUÃURBOYZ released at revision online 2020 Dietmar vom Tresen Vod Kow Roeltje on the Rocks Fräulein Fleisch Karla Rumpur Special Greetings to Schnappsgirls made with cables.gl code credits: - ops by cables user pandur (https://cables.gl/user/pandur) - cables by undefined development (http://undev.studio) - glmatrix by toji (https://github.com/toji/gl-matrix) - Photoshop math GLSL shaders by Romain Dura (https://mouaif.wordpress.com/2009/01/05/photoshop-math-with-glsl-shaders/) - ops by cables user _LJ_ (https://cables.gl/user/_LJ_) - ops by cables user kusma (https://cables.gl/user/kusma) - ops by cables user cabpandurles (https://cables.gl/user/cabpandurles) - Domain Warping Shader by inigo quilez (http://iquilezles.org/www/articles/warp/warp.htm) - ops by cables user andro (https://cables.gl/user/andro) - ops by cables user tim (https://cables.gl/user/tim) - ops by cables user cables (https://cables.gl/user/cables)
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