Future Colors by Contract
. the contest 99 - power demo b. dSb . `$b ?SP . . .' `. `:. s' .? `$b. .' . .' : l. `?L dP d$$$b `¦?$$$P'.:' `. . ' b ` d$bod$$bdP' ?$$$$b `?b `?b ' .' , `. `b. d$P¦' `¦?$$P:' ?$$$$b.d$' d$b..d' ;. : d$P' .eb. :' ` ?$$$$$' .d$$$$$$b. ; .'.dP' .d$$$$$L .s .$$$$$b `:P' `¦?$b. P' .dP'`¦?$P'$b$$$b ?'?$$$$b ` .d$b `?$l dP d$P xtr d$P¦?$$$$. ?$$$$b $$$$$L dP' .? .d$$'_lyse dP' ?$$$L ?$$$$b `?$$P'.P' d' d$$$ dP `$$$$b. ?$$$$b$$P d' $ $$$$.dl .dP `?$$$$b. ?$$$$$P' .d' $ $$$$P' dP `?$$$$$b`$$$P' .P' $. `¦§' ¦$P' `¦?P¦' `¦' d `b. $b.' ?b .ob. "Future Colors" `¦' `$. ` `?. superstars as: archee ù illegal `b. .P' direct3D demo, watch it and feel it! `¦?$P¦
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