XTC-Play v0.97c by Sanction [web]
Features of XTC-PLAY -------------------- <read also WHATSNEW> Soundcards supported: þ The Ultrasound GF1-series (i.e. Classic, Max and Ace) þ Interwave boards revision A+B (e.g. Gus PnP) þ Creative Labs Soundblaster series (SB,SBPro,SB16,SB32,SB64) þ Supreme silence player at 44khz/16bit :-) Loads: þ 669 8 channels, 1-128 channels þ DSM 1-32 channels, 1-128 patterns þ DMF 1-32 channels, 1-256 patterns, different pattern length versions 0.3-0.8 included þ FAR 1-16 channels, 1-64 patterns, different pattern length þ IT 1-32 channels, linear AND amiga frequency supported þ MDL 1-32 channels, 1-255 patterns, 1-4096 tracks þ MOD 2,4,...,30,32 channels and 15/31 patterns þ MP1 MP2 MP3 MPEG I,II any layer, any bitrates þ MTM 1-32 channels, 1-255 patterns and 4096 tracks þ NST 4 channels þ PTM 1-32 channels, 1-128 patterns þ S3M 1-32 channels and 1-255 patterns þ STM 1-32 channels, 1-128 patterns þ WOW 8 channels þ VOC standard VOC, no loops þ WAV standard PCM, 8/16bit, mono/stereo þ XM 1-32 channels, 1-255 patterns, 0-15 samples each pattern, different pattern length(1-256 rows) versions 1.02, 1.03 and 1.04 now included linear AND amiga frequency table are supported Effects: þ ProTracker and compatible (MOD,NST,WOW) except Glissando, Set Filter and play sample backwards. þ ScreamTracker (S3M,STM) complete, except the limitations of the Protracker format. þ MTM-commands (MTM) modified ProTracker commands, seem to be complete. þ FastTracker (XM) XM-Volume and Panning Envelopes including Sustain, Loop, Key off, Fadeout, special commands, amiga+linear tables. þ Digitrakker (MDL) All effects are supported. þ 669 Porta and Speed commands are implemented. þ Digital Sound Module (DSM) All effects are supported. þ Polytracker Module Format - PTMF (PTM) Nearly all effects are implemented. þ X-Tracker (DMF) Nearly all global, volume, note, panning and instrument effects are supported :-) All RR Chapter 1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10 are played ! þ Impulse Tracker (IT) Nearly all effects are supported. NNA (new note actions) are currently NOT supported. þ Audio MPEG MPEG type I,II MPEGs encapsulated in WAV files Layers 1,2,3 All sampling rates (48, 44, 32, 24, 22, 16kHz) All bitrates Features: þ HELP Press F1 to get the help screen þ SMART MEMORY MANAGMENT SYSTEM - SMM Multiplies the size of your GUS' RAM with the factor 8. That means if you own a 1MB GUS, you can load modules up to 8MB (with an 8MB interwave you have 64MB !!!). This system is *really* intelligent, it tries to detect the most efficient way to recalculate... þ DMA and NON-DMA DOWNLOAD, 16BIT-POKING ON INTERWAVE Is your mainboard capable to do this ? If not use /D switch. þ NOTE BARS Follow the song with your eyes! þ MULTI SCREENS: - 2 SOUNDCARD SPECIFIC SCREENS GUS + INTERWAVE memory layout at the moment - INSTRUMENT SCREEN What in the hell did the author write about ? - VOLUME BARS Volume Bars according to the volumes of the song - WATER DROPS Nice water-screen synchronized with the music - PLASMA SCREEN Very nice sinus calculated plasma synchronized to the music, resolution can be triggered up to 1024x768 - OSCILLOSCOPE Little oscilloscope with background TGA (XTC-PLAY.TGA). The background TGA is 8 bits colour, so you must have a picture in 8 bits. The smaller the picture the less memory is used. You can use any size ... it will be centered. - CIRCLE OSCILLOSCOPE Some SIN+COS transformation of oscilloscope... - FFT ANALYZER See a spectrum of music. Left side is low frequency, right side is high frequency... þ FILE SELECTION Select the files you want to play while you are playing other ones. Includes now fast file selection and play lists (see below) þ SAMPLE "VIEWER" Listen to the samples using all notes and 10 octaves ! Full keyboard support exact like ST3 ! þ MODIFIED FONT - FOUR DIFFERENT FONTS Custom font for volume bars, etc... Four fonts to choose from (switch with ALT-f) þ OS/2 Support (Timeslice support) Using 15% for up to 4 channel modules 20% for up to 6 channel modules 25% for up to 10 channel modules 40% for up to 32 channel modules (?) on a DX2-66 Only active if in file screen, in OS/2 background screen "o" or in Pause Mode "p". þ SETUP Internal Setup for fast configuration. þ PLAY LISTS You can use play lists inside the file selector. That means you can choose some files which are played sequentially without explicit loading via ENTER. You can add files with RIGHT in selector mode 3 (F4) and delete them with LEFT. Use CTRL-LEFT to delete last file in list if you are not on the file itself. If you add a playlist file (.pls) all filenames inside the file are added. Example: FILE: example.pls final.ptm nova.it lovely.mp3 *OR* FILE: example2.pls final.ptm nova.it lovely.mp3 When you press right on the file example.pls the three modules are added to the play list. If you want to use packed modules with a file list, say you have a file packed.rar which contains playme.xm. Then you should write "<PATH>packed.rar/playme.xm". Remember : Use "/", not "\". If the files are in a subdirectory of the archive, say "SUB\playme.xm" in the archive "C:\SOUND\packed.rar" you should write "C:\SOUND\packed.rar/SUB\playme.xm". Important notes: þ The player will run with any graphics card. Installing a VESA compliant driver (recommendable is version 2.0 with linear frame buffer) will speed up the player and give it access to new graphics modes such as high resoluted tunnel modes and oscilloscopes. If you load UNIVBE of Scitech, Inc. you'll see in your VESA mode list that there is no longer any hi-resoluted textmode available. Start *ONCE* uvconfig -i to reenable your textmodes. If this fails... when you have an ET4000 or S3 card I support it directly... when not... þ Soundblaster support is implemented finally. You can force SB with /C3 or otherwise it will be autodetected. It is important that your BLASTER/INTERWAVE/ULTRASND environment is set, otherwise your sound card won't be detected ! The autodetection process goes: * Interwave Check ULTRASND and INTERWAVE * UltraSound Check ULTRASND * Soundblaster 16 Check BLASTER Pro 2.01+ Mono * No sound Nothing found * The diskwriter is optional Enable with /CW Sound blaster AWE32 is supported through SB16 (soon native). If you have other chips such as ESS/WSS, write to me ! If I get enough response, I will include drivers for them. Configuration file: XTC-PLAY.CFG stores the whole configuration of XTC-PLAY. If you want to change the settings, call XTC-PLAY with parameter "/S" or press ALT-S inside the player. Keys: Look into the online help, can be activated ANY TIME with F1 in the player. Syntax: XTC-PLAY.EXE [musicmodule] [[device] options] [musicmodule] Any *.669, *.DMF, *.DSM, *.FAR, *.IT , *.MDL, *.MOD, *.MP?, *.MTM, *.PTM, *.S3M, *.STM, *.VOC, *.WAV, *.XM module. [options] /B Create BOOTLOG.XTC (for bug detection send this file to me!) /D NonDMA download for GUS /E Quit when song has ended /H Help /M Memory adjustment /S Setup [device options] /1 mono output /8 8bits output /C0 Null sound device /C1 AMD Interwave /C2 Gravis Ultrasound /C3 SB 16 /C4 SBPro Stereo 22kHz /C5 SB 2.01+/Pro Mono 44kHz /C6 SB mono 1.00 /CW Disk writer /F<Hz> Set frequency to <Hz> /I Turn off interpolation (slow CPUs) signing off... kilroy^Sanction
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