Xmas Music Disk '92 by The Supremacy Team
Hello everybody... Thanx for downloading this first production of The SupreMacy Team... I shall not write so very much here, because you are quite curious to get going on this...but a few IMPORTANT things first!!!! This musicdisc was produced in less than 2 week, and it was a lot of other things to do at the same time... so You can't find anything of user support like telling how much memory that is required and so on but here: Requires about 550Kb free ram, and 300Kb XMS!!!!!! This is important because without xms-memory it will HANG!!!!! !-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-! Speedometer on first screen data: Sound cards supported ... --------------------------- SBPromono SbPro LPT1,2 SB Sound Blaster Pro mono Sb16 Stereo 1&2 Sound Blaster Pro Stereo ------------------------------- Sound Blaster 10000 10000 10000 5000 286/12 LPT1 15000 13000 15000 8000 ^ LPT2 20000 16000 20000 12000 /|\ LPT1/LPT2 stereo 25000 18000 25000 15000 | SOUND BLASTER 16bit 44Khz 30000 20000 30000 17000 | 35000 23000 35000 19000 | 40000 27000 40000 21000 \|/ 44500 32000 44500 23000 486/50
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