mhmt by Mayhem
C-based packer with optimal packing algorithms and Z80 depackers. mehrumst: MegaLZ, Hrum and Hrust. command name - mhmt (MeHruMsT) parameters: -mlz, -hrm, -hst - use megalz, hrum or hrust format (default is megalz) -g - greedy coding (default is optimal coding) -d - depacking instead of packing (default is packing) -zxh - add zx-specific header for hrum or hrust. DEFAULT is NO HEADER! Not applicable for megalz. if -zxh is specified, -16, NO -bend and NO -mlz is forced -8, -16 - bitstream is in bytes or words in packed file. Default for megalz is -8, for hrum and hrust is -16 -bend - if -16 specified, this makes 16bit words big-endian. default is little-endian -maxwinN - maximum lookback window. N is decimal number, which can only be 256,512,1024,2048,4096,8192,16384 or 32768. default is format-specific maximum window: megalz is 4352, hrum is 4096, hrust is 65536. for given format, window can be only DECREASED usage: mhmt [parameters] <input filename> [<output filename>] if no output filename, for packing is added .mlz, .hrm or .hst (in accordance with format chosen), for depacking .dpk is added
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