kjspeccy by Kakiarts [web]
KeyJ of Kakiarts presents: "kjspeccy", a very compact (and unfinished) ZX Spectrum 48k emulator for Win32. Features: - only 33k, *including* the ROM - emulates pure, unmodified ZX Spectrum 48k *only* (no IF 1/2, no Joysticks) - speedloads .tap and .tzx images - loads and saves .z80 snapshots - loads and saves .scr screendumps - sound emulation - built-in keyboard help screen Shortcomings: - no AY-3-8910 support (yet; I'm working on it, but it's incredibly buggy) (any help here is appreciated in this respect -- if you know a thing or two about the AY, please contact me if you're willing to help) - no memory contention emulation - no ULA slow effects, no multicolor stuff - no support for flashloading or normal speed loading - no support for saving tapes - no DirectDraw support, scaling the display may be quite slow on some drivers (nVidia, anyone?) - might have some bugs :) kjspeccy uses the Z80 emulation core by Marat Fayzullin and the kkrunchy executable packer by ryg/farbrausch, everything else is written by me. References: - my site: http://keyj.s2000.ws/ - Kakiarts: http://www.kakiarts.de/ - Z80 core: http://fms.komkon.org/EMUL8/ Have fun ... and celebrate the Speccy's 25th birthday! -- KeyJ / kakiarts <keyj@kakiarts.de> or <martin.fiedler@gmx.net>
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