rybik & alien by Przyjaciele Stefana B.
short: RYBIK & ALIEN - another crazy dentro by psb! uploader: zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl (zorka19/psb) author: psb dk! type: demo/aga requires: aga chipset and al video ____________________________________________________ _ _\ ///_ | przyjaciele stefana b. ! | | _______ ________ .... .... ____ ________ ________ ____ _______ ____ _______ _\___ /_\ ____/_:: : : ::__\__/_\ __ /_\ _____/_\__/_\ _ /_\ /__\ _ /_ _)÷ /___/ \_ ¬::.:.:.:: ¬ ¬ \_ ` \ ¬ ¬ \_/ ¬ ¬ \_/ / \____________ / __.... . ::__________ / ____________________________________/ . /__/ ::.:.:.::-bBå/aZb! /__/ . | .____. | ________|_| |_ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ | _____ _\ ___/_\_ _/_\ __ /_\ ____/_\ __ /_\ _ /_\ __ /_ _\ _ /___ _)÷\___ ¬ ¬ \__/ ¬_____/ ¬ \_ ¬ / ¬ \_ / _)÷ \ /__ \____|/ _______________________/________ / ____ / ______ / / .\_______//_/ /__/ . /__/ /__/ /__/ | | | | w y z s z y s t o p i e n l a m e r s t w a | | | |______________________________________________________| PSB DK! at BUD ELITE PARTY 2 proudly presents our new dentro entitled R Y B I K A N D A L I E N better known as "independence day 2" HUMAN vs ALIENS 2:0 ? "codework": zorka19 music: groo/cncd ("clarke 2") image processing: rodnej motion pictures: poldreg design: mroova requirements: aga chipset pal video timing made on my 030/50 no fpu! this presentation could be freely distributable and copyable. it may be a part of marvellous AminetCD series by Schatzruche software. others - ask permission by sending e-mail to one of our members! we note that some of our productions was included into dofferent cd-compilations and sold for real hard money! Earning money by selling demos suxx! Yes, long live Amiga and long live polish crazy demonstrations! if you want to contact the authors: gonzo@puma.tu.koszalin.pl (karnister) zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl (zorka19) bogus@puma.tu.koszalin.pl (lazoor)
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