SnakeMania by D.T.A. Software Studio
@database DTA-WBSnakeMania GUIDE @node main "DTA-WBSnakeMania" @{"Informations" link "1"} @{" Author " link "2"} @endnode @node 1 "Informations" This game required: - MC68000 - 450kb of memory - mathieeedoubbas.library - medplayer.library Game is programmed on a A1200+HDD+B1230/50+FPU+8MB FAST RAM and designed for a 8 colours SmallBench (640x256). For installation, you must only copy this files into any drawer: - DTA-WBSnakeMania - and this libraries into "LIBS:" or "game drawer" : - mathieeedoubbas.library - medplayer.library This is my first product,please don't see any bugs in him... @endnode @node 2 "Author" If You want,You can send my any letters,postcards,demos,games, musics,moneys,etc. at my address: D.J.M./D.T.A. SOFTWARE STUDIO Dalibor Javorcek Okruzna 129 Nitrianske Rudno 972 26 SLOVAKIA ******************************************************* A M I G A F O R E V E R ! ! ! ******************************************************* @endnode
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