

Hey guys

This is the ledtro source.

It's a little sloppy since it was written in about 24 hours, without stopping 
for sleep or anything.  So, sorry!  We did win the demo party, and got a 
sweet Thingamagoop as a prize.

It is meant to be run on an Evil Mad Scientist Peggy 2

We switched in a new clock crystal though, so ours ran at 20mhz instead of the
16mzh crystal it comes with.  It will work fine with a slower clock, but finer
with a fast one.

We didn't realize that there was a whole K of RAM on the chip when we were 
writing the software, so there's a lot of free memory left over.  We never 
render more than a single row into memory at a time.

If you want to photograph or film or even look directly at your Peggy I 
recommend against using the "superbright" LEDs, though they do look pretty
nice behind a sheet of frosted glass.


For generating the .data files, I saved a greyscale image as photoshop raw,
and wrote a dumb program to convert each pixel to a bit.  Since the high
bit is on the right on the peggy and on the left of a 0b11101 constant, 
everything's backwards.  So our input images had to be backwards. 

The font is just a single image, with all the letters sideways (so that a 
dword represents a column, and thus is all in the same letter).  The 
offsets.data file indicates where each letter starts and ends.  To save 
you a trip to identifont, it's Palatino and was created by Hermann Zapf.

contact us at ledtro@pieforbreakfast.com

-Jesse, Ian, Andy  a.k.a, aubilenon, zsazs, leviathan