Twither by Arkos [web]
Arkos presents Twither a 256 bytes intro at Forever 2009 Coded by Grim/Arkos^Semilanceata The intro will run on 64Kb+ RAM Amstrad CPC/Plus. Two executables are provided, if one fail then it's most likely a CRTC timing problem. Try again with the other executable. If it fail too... you own a CPC with a CRTC type 2, kthxbye. The source-code should be available at The 256 bytes twister contest is over, Amstrad wins :) READY RUN"TWITHER _______________________________ Colors tweaking ________________________________ If you wanna play with the color-palette, read this. Disable the set ink in the intro: MEMORY &9FFF:LOAD"TWITHER.BIN":POKE &A013,0:poke &A014,0 Choose your favorite flashy colors: BORDER <0-26>:INK 0,<0-26>:INK 1,<0-16> Call the intro manually MODE 2:CALL&A008 ________________________________________________________________________________ Hello to the Forever|Next team, Chiourne, Shinra, Ukonx.
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