Disk Maggie 15 by Maggie Team
0 ÿÿÿÿÿ\ /ÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿ/ | |ÿ\\//ÿ| | | |ÿÿ | | \/ | | a g g i e | |ÿ i f t e e n . . . | | | | | | We once more pollute the airwaves.. Lock up your daughters, we're back!! CIH note.. 7th of the 9th, 1994.. It is me again, with a somewhat affected air of activity as yet another issue of Maggie slouches towards completion on this merry September date.. I am presently at the residence of my 'co-presenter' or assistant editor Richard (Felice).. This is in a village called Keysoe and to say it is in the middle of nowhere is something of a classic understatement.. There was a rumour of a shop here once, but this was quashed before too much harm was done.. Never mind, we have everything we need here, ST's and his Falcon, monitors and TV's, electricity, and Richard.. Including this textfile, it is all to put together tonight, so off I go to do some work.. See you later.. Later.. We hope you like what you find, you had better, as we have bloody well worked hard enough for it.. You will find the latest, or as nearasdammit happenings in the world of Atari, and quite a few other things as well.. We hope you like the cover picture especially, Kev, the artist, just did not realise how satirical he was being, as it now looks like Commodore, or the Amiga related bits of Commodore are now to be taken over by a UK management team.. It looks like Commodore, or Amiga International, to give them their new name, will do a 'Son of SAM Coupe' and end up back where they are now in a years time.. We will be treating ourselves to a first showing of the latest production from EKO, those rather brilliant froggie coders, as I have heard it is very very good indeed, and the disk landed in my postbox just today, which is 'M' or 'Maggie' day.. It depends if the evil bugs afflicting us can be caught and killed in time!! Maggie 15, brought to you by very tired people! We have been quite busy this summer, I managed to get into all sorts of weird places this summer, many of which involved heavy drinking and meeting strange people.. Felice managed to get even further, standing astride continents as Canada beckoned once more.. All of this is inside this issue.. Here we go again (hold breath..) Only one bug this time, and it is the extra picture supplied by Kev which has come out in a lot of horrible colours and it has also knackered the text file, which looks like hastily scribbled Greek Erotica.. A bit later.. All sorted out, it was my silly fault in using a suspect or incorrect packing method for the picture.. And we stand FINISHED at last.. 'Now the EKO demo disk is leaving the Royal Coronation open coach, and is heading slowly and magnificently towards the steps of Westminister Abbey.. Immediately behind, is its dedicated team of ladies in waiting, butlers, grooms, crack SAS marksman, dog handlers and Sunday Sport journalists, all waiting for the big moment, the moment when Richard's Falcon finishes unzipping the main file, and we can go into the demo proper..' 'A hushed and expectant crowd awaits, aha, we here that it has now finished unzipping, and will be ready very shortly to appear for the very first time on this machine.. Back to the studio..' --- Scarey Real time rapid EKO experience --- Here comes EKO, oooohhhhh woowwwww A huge zooming animation file and roaring jet sound.. AAAaggghh!! Loads of 3-D shaded stuff, think I'll send a copy of this to Chris Dillon for some hints for a new Falcon only 'Zero-5'!! Tee Hee!! The EKO tie fighters defend against attacks from Laser, Mugwumps, NPG and New Trend, little bit of satire there?? This one was the winner at the Place to be Part II convention, and I am not surprised to say the least.. Some intercutting and 3-D Z-buffering now, more smart shaded 3-D, so smooth and fast.. I'm going to LOVE reviewing this one properly when the time comes.. Fiery plasma next, and a shaded textured cube.. Totally unreal, unlike everything else.. BRAIN MELT!!! - Super hi-res fractal landscape, pleasepleaseplease turn this into a flight sim!! End credits, and we want MORE!! Safe to say, this looks like the best on Falcon yet!! Certainly a lot more polished than most other stuff.. These guys use REAL DSP coding for the Falcon, and the sort of stuff that normally needs a hi-power PC to make it go.. They mention they are doing a game called 'H2O' for the Falcon, and I hope this is as good as their demos!! --- Dull Stuff --- You should not need reminding now that Maggie is able to run on Falcon using ST-compatible resolutions.. All you lose is the cheesy soundchip music, and you can put on your favourite CD instead.. A lot of the stuff in the 'Goodies' folder works on both ST and Falcon, take the Dingo Dentro for example, or even the Powermouse program which works on STE and Falcon, as long as you have a Jaguar Joypad.. We even have a little contribution from 'Mr Diskzine' himself, Richard Karsmakers, in the form of a little program called 'Wowbagger' (or the grandson thereof..) Sad to say, my spelling of 'the' never improved beyond 'teh' for most of teh (Oh har bloody har!) time.. Things even deteriorated to missing off whole letters and I ended up with 'eh' or 'Te' towards the end.. A long rest with a daily hot chocolate massage is needed.. --- End --- Is near.. Five minutes, and it is time to start winding up, I am at Richards place this time, and we are running on one precarious master copy of Maggie 15.. Time for it to multiply, methinks.. Until the next time.. Bye!! Chris..
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