r08064 by Stravaganza [web] & xplsv [web]
_________________________________________________________ R 0 8 0 6 4 S T R A V A G A N Z A X P L S V _________________________________________________________ ·Credits . KILE : Code, Tools, Graphics Trace : Concept, design, Logo Wonder : Soundtrack Ithaqua : Additional code TeKnO : Additional graphics This intro uses kkrunchy packer by Fabian Giesen aka Ryg/Farbrausch ·System Requirements . Fast CPU, OpenGL compatible videocard ·Contact . Bugs : fernandojsg@hotmail.com ithaqua@maptel.es Comments : crew@stravaganza.org info@xplsv.com URLs : www.stravaganza.org www.xplsv.com ·Additional Notes · Quite unfinished and rushed version, sorry. _________________________________________________________ BARCELONA 05/10/2005 .
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