Frey by MadWizards [web]
short: FREY - an intro by Mawi at PSP`96 (re-edition) uploader: (azzaro/mawi) author: heron/mawi type: demo/intro requires: pal video, no-aga available _ d¶r /\ bD!/L!124 ____ _____ ____.____ 0µF / \ ____ /_ /____\__ \.\ | /__,"_______ /__/\\ ___ \ \// __/ | /¬\ JL / /___\ / \/_________\_____|____/\\_ ÆL / /________\ \___J´¶_____/ . m a w i . ,K ¶m_ _P__µµØØ# ¶MM°¯ hey dude! hereyou have our first nitro :) it was first presented at polis summer party`96 in poznan/poland. this is a little fixed and refreshed version, but it still doesn`t support any turbocard. also - effects are slow because of blitter-c2p used :( anyway - turn your card off by pressing [2] and enjoy polish skills :) have fun! signed: Azzaro/Mawi september`97
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