One Day by Haujobb
Short: Haujobb : One Day (40k intro, came 1st at BSE'97) Author: (haujobb) Type: demo/intro once again : if you have any problems with this intro, run it without setpatch and startup-sequence. however, h a u j o b b . o n e d a y a 40k intro coded in 24h. released at b e l g i a n s c e n e e v e n t · 1 9 9 7 code ................................................. speedo music ............................................... muffler graphics ....................................... wave, speedo - this is a compo version, maybe final version later. if you have anything to report about this or want to swap some words with haujobb, contact s u p 3 r c h a r g e i n t o w i l d s t y l e haujobb.
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