insomnia #1 by Looker House & Tristar & Red Sector Inc. [web]
Short: Insomnia 1 - Scene diskmag, works on any Amiga with 2mb (OCS/ECS/AGA) Author: LOOKER HOUSE(LKR) in association with TRISTAR & RED SECTOR (TRSI) Uploader: Type: demo/mags · . ________ ______________________|_ ________ _________ \ /___| _ / _ / |_____ __\_ /___\_ / / / | \ / \ / / /_ /____/_ _/ /_ /___________|_______/________/ \_____(_________(___\_______( . \______| -uMn/aL· |________ _______ ______| /____________|_ ___/____ _________ \ _| / _ / / \ /_____\_ / / \_ / \ / / _\ / /_____/_ /______|____/_________/_________)_________\__________( | · * I N S O M N I A * was sculptured for you by Looker House in association with Tristar & Red Sector - ÷ - code - juggler/lkr graphics - dmd!/lkr design & managment - gdm/lkr main editor - shade/trsi co-editor - excel/blc news editor - blunt/trsi music - space traveller 2 by gdm/lkr (1st tune) insomnia by tangerine/lkr (2nd tune) nite song by joker(rj)/lkr (3d tune) in the jungle by melomaniac (4th tune) - guested writers: Parsec(ROM), The Ripper(Generation), Saturn^4/Razor1911, Sixpack(DISC), Celtic/Smelon Design, Puh(Oepir Risti), Fishwave(Seenpoint), Kimba/Looker House, Wilsh/Grashopper Design, Thain/Artifical People, Optic/TRSI, Molloch, Zoltrix/TRSI/LKR, Control/TRSI - ÷ - mag was tested on: amiga 1200 amiga 1200 + 4mb fast ram amiga 1200 + 8mb fast ram + 68030/50mhz amiga 1200 + 16mb fast ram + 68040/50mhz it works fine on 3.0 and 3.1 with aga chipset it should work on 2.04 also, but graphics/palletes will be weird you'll not able to see title pictures on ocs/ecs if you have olny 2mb memory and have problems with music, unpack/overwrite modules (insomnia/data/#?.tp3) with stonecracker cruncher or with xfd decrucher - ÷ - compiled 2'july'f97 0:27am - ÷ - we're in lkr send sweets to our real friends in : 1oo%, abyss, ambrosia, artwork, balance, bomb, c-lous, darkage, drifters, impulse, ghd, gods, led, mono, phase d, razor 1911, sardonyx, session, subspace, tbl, trsi, venture contact looker house at and - ÷ - Insomnia - is a disk-magazine presented to you by - Looker House - in association with - Tri Star & Red Sector - Insomnia - is ultimate thing to read, done by sceners for sceners contact Insomnia staff at (gdm - magazine's manager) (shade - magazine's main editor) (excel - magazine's co-editor) - ÷ - Moscow (c) 1997 Russia - Norway - Sweden - Holland - 1997
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