Valentine Intro by Ground Zero
Hi, just a small intro for Valentine's Day. The only special thing about this package is that it contains the new voting-form for New World Order issue 7. We don't know yet when issue 7 will be out. You'll know soon enough... Oh yeah, some things changed in Ground Zero/TFA! Here's the new memberlist: Nothingface - Code, Gfx, Pr(?), Design, Ideas TcM - Code, Design, Ideas Samsman - Gfx, Pr(!), Code(?), Design, No Ideas Da Chief - Sysop of the Real World, Pr, Sponsor, No Ideas AT ALL Sqd - Soundtracks The Neat - Code Goofie - Gfx Venom - Code, Bugs Oh yeah, there have been rumours about TFA organizing a party here in Holland. They are still rumours... Oh yeah, here are several ways to contact us: nothingface: Robert Plass e-mail: Padangstraat 76 DGi: 68:310/1.2 7535 AE Enschede DSC: 135:1000/102 Holland (ofcourse!) samsman: Peter de Jonge Sloetsweg 249 7556 HN Hengelo Holland (ofcourse!) tcm: e-mail: DGi: 68:310/1.3 DSC: 135:1000/103 board: the real world +31-(0)53-330190 Pff, what a crappy info-file.... fuck it... Love, nf.
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