Tour by Pulse [web] & Pygmy Projects & Virtual Dreams
- to be fiksd, zoiks Pulse PygmyProjects VirtualDreams/FLT - Tour [c] 1998 camel.falcon.fndr.silver eagle.unreal.visualize marek borzyszkowski [camel] programming sami vaarala [silver eagle] programming wojtek podgorski [unreal] programming & concept jonas hedeback [fndr] 3d timo harju [visualize] gfx, 3d, design, concept jacek dojwa [falcon] music thanks to GlennFiddler[Gaffer] for PTC and hugeHUGE thanks for mp3 depacker to my amazing friend PascalMassimino[SKAL/BOMB]. the music player has SB32 disabled, for two following reasons: - the music is over a megabyte in size, it's got to be mixed 'by hand' - there is no kind of 'download time' whatsoever
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