Vectors by D.T.A. Software Studio
Title of work: Vectors Author: Antony/DTA Category: Sam CoupΘ 4K Intro Target Machine: Sam CoupΘ 256K Recommended: Sam CoupΘ 512K + 1MB external RAM Tech info: 8 colors possible for polygons, each polygon has its own color. 32 levels of light calculated according to polygon normals. Polygons are filled with 4-color 4-pixel texture instead of 2-color checkerboard. Pentakis dodecahedron is the same object as in my demo "SlowMotion", with the same size. With the 1MB of extended memory (pages 0-63), the program runs at 131 percent compared to the main memory only. On a SamCoupe with only 256KB of memory, without the extended 1MB memory, program will destroy DOS (only in RAM).
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