
microsoft rules by Brainwash Inc

18th August 1994

			Information file for the
			- Microsoft Rules demo -
			By The Eye of Brainwash Inc.

Instead of making a boring, usual and technically excellent demo, we tried
to make something different. This demo may offend some viewers, so watch
it at your own risk!


1. Copyright Notice
2. Files
3. Hardware Requirements
4. Credits
5. General Information
6. What Is Brainwash Incorporation?
7. Who Are They?
8. Contact Address

			1. Copyright Notice

This demo is public domain except the pictures, Capamod TSR player and
play.exe. You can freely copy this and use part of this in your own
non commercial productions (if you are so stupid). Please don't sell


                        2. Files

These files belong to this demo:

run.bat            47	run this to see the demo!
1bill.np        64768	picture file (in a stupid format)
bill11.np       64768	-""-
1bill2.np	64768	-""-
bill41.np       64768	-""-
tiima.np        64768	-""-
windo.np        64768	-""-
hilu.np         64768	-""-
boxit.anm       19494	DP animation file
hekoheko.anm   132597	DP animation file
cmodtsr.exe     12115	Capamod, TSR mod player
cmod.doc	 7248	Capamod docs	
load_np.exe      2704	slow and buggy picture loader
play.exe        37739	animation player, copyrighted by Electric Arts
main5.exe       57268	executable for the demo	
main5.bas        7904	QBasic source code for the demo
msrules.mod    452896	the soundtrack, 4 channel Protracker MOD
mod.doc      	 2209	doc file for the mod
msrules.doc      8571	this file	

                        3. Hardware Requirements

This demo was tested and made using a fast 486, but it should work even
on a 286, allthough it will be slow. You must have VGA graphics,
1 MB memory with at least 520 KB (?) free DOS memory. In order to hear the
amazing soundtrack you must have Gravis Ultrasound sound card with at least
512 KB of memory. If you some other soundcard you can try use your own music
player. :-)

			4. Credits

The demo contains false credits, with names that resemble a certain well
known demo team. These are the real credits:

Design		The Eye
Programming	The Eye
Graphics	Epsilon
		The Eye
Soundtrack	The Eye
Text		The Eye
Compilation	The Eye

Lots of other people have contributed their work for this demo. My big
thanx to them and also to the nice people who had loaned their PC to
me for few hours (I don't have a PC!). I couldn't have made this
without you.

			5. General Information

The idea for this demo came up to me in December 1993. THEN was driving
me and Agil back to home after an evening of coding and brainstorming.
I was in mood of crap talk and started telling jokes about Microsoft
and even making a demo about it. The demo was supposed to be real lame
in sense implementation and as funny as possible. The others agreed that
it was a good idea. When I came to my home I wrote down those ideas on
a piece of paper.

The demo was made on the first week of August 1994. Assembly'94 was
held at the end of of that week. All the coding and graphics were made at
party place. The demo is programmed using QBasic (we had to use Microsoft
products, of course! :-)). You can find the source code with this
distribution. The pictures of Bill Gates were scanned by me using the
video camera of a Silicon Graphics Indy workstation. The sound track was
created using Protracker on Amiga and Atari ST. The samples were all
recorded at LaFore's place using Then's microphone. We didn't use any
real instruments. All these sounds really have come from our mouths. The
samples haven't been prosessed (except cut, transposed and some looped for
our needs). The sound track contains some speech samples which are in
Finnish. Their translation and more information about the soundtrack can be
obtained by reading the MOD.DOC file. 

We managed to get the demo ready 1 hour before the PC demo compo dead line
in Assembly'94. However we couldn't make it an executable file in
time, so we were left out of the competition (because it was a joke
demo, it wouldn't have been able to enter anyway). The organizers promised
me to show our demo on the big screen, but due time problems and fuck
ups in the PC demo competition it never happened. Those who managed
to see and hear our demo at the party place usually had lots of fun
and wanted to copy it (especially the sound track MOD file).

		6. What Is Brainwash Incorporation?

It is a finnish demo group (don't ask me where is Finland). It was
formed in December 1987 and its original members were The Eye (that's me)
and The Brain. Back then it was called Brainwash Company. The name and the
logos were my idea. We both had Atari STs (don't ask me what
Atari ST is either). Brain was supposed to be the main coder and swapper.
I was supposed to be the musician and part time graphics man, but soon
I learned 68000 assembler and took Brain's place as the main
coder, because I noticed that Brain was more interested of doing other
things than coding. We made a small demo for Atari ST,
called Minidemo (it was really a small one, less than 1 KB in size
and it had music, scrollers and fractals) and a much bigger info demo,
claiming a competition of making the best <1 KB demo. No one entered
the competition. Later on I made few other small demos by myself. I
had big plans for megademos or two, but they never got ready.

I quitted demo coding on ST after being fooled by many ST scene people
in IRC. They had convinced me to believe, that two famous ST guys
had joined my team (I don't if you can call it a team, because it had
only one active member - me). I released a demo about it, called
Mathblaster (featuring 2D & 3D Mandelbrots and 3D wireframe animations).
After the demo release in spring 1992, the hoax was revealed to poor me
and I felt very bad seeing everybody laugh at me (though some others
believed the hoax too).

Brainwash Company was bough back to life in autumn 1993, when I explained
Agil and Then an algorithm of calculating Mandelbrots and Julias
very fast. I had an idea of making a demo for 486 PC with real time
calculated fractals (not just a lame zoomer) and animated texture mapping.
I learned a bit of 486 assembler and wrote few lines of code which actually
did work on Then's PC. Agil had also done some coding on fast fractals with
even better results. I and Then were surprised to see somebody else working
on the same algorithm and problem. I asked Agil to join our team
and told the others about even a more ambitious idea of a big demo
or actually a computer animated movie with an interesting plot.
Agil knew LaFore, who joined our crew to help with the music. We thought
of a name for the team. After series of not so good suggestions,
we agreed on a name Brainwash Inc. Company was changed to Incorporation,
but the Brainwash part was still with.

			7. Who Are They?

Below is the current member status of Brainwash Inc. All of us study
in the Helsinki University of Technology. Our ages range from 19 to 23.

Then (PC)
- Our hardware and electronics expert.
- Assembler, Pascal and C coder. 
- Likes hot food.
- Our public transport (he owns a car). :-)

Agil (PC)
- Assembler and C coder.
- Optimization maniac.

Epsilon (PC)
- Graphics artist. Uses Deluxe Paint IV.
- Then's little brother.
- Our secondary public transport (also has a car). :-)

Eye (Atari ST)
- Source of weird and crazy ideas. Head of design.
- Lazy coder, mad 68k assembler optimizer. Teaches C and assembler
  programming at the university.
- Lousy musician, but Ok when it comes to composing and creating new
  synthesizer sounds using his Korg Wavestation EX.
- Cheesy graphic artist (has no talent, but tries everything).
- Wants to play a DJ and get himself a PowerPS developer machine
  from IBM.

LaFore (Amiga)
- Musician
- Makes great music with synths and samplers (Ensoniq EPS).
- Thinks that techno is not music.

			8. Contact Address

Girls and interesting individuals, contact us: 

Slow mail:		Eye / Petri Kuittinen
			Timpurinkuja 1 C 39
			02600 ESPOO

Very slow email:	eye@cs.hut.fi

Those who want to have boring crap talk about PCs (Eye doesn't own a PC,
hehe), can send their letters to Then's automatic mail trasher:

Slow mail:		Then / Tomi Engdahl
			Jämeräntaival 3 B 231
			02150 ESPOO

Email:			then@snakemail.hut.fi