
The Fusion by Straight Line Connection

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                   └─═≡By The STRAIGHT LINE CONNECTION≡═─┘
                            (03/22/1994 Release)

                                Members are :
                              Rican 911 - Coder
                           Spartaco Crushead - Gfx

Introducing the Straight Line Connection

  The Straight Line Connection (SLC) is the result of the fusion of Rican 911
and Spartaco Crushead's knowledges. Rican 911 started programming this demo
a few weeks ago, and he decided, after a few hours wasted in trying to draw
some nice pictures, to create a new french group called Straight Line
Connection (if you meet him, he will tell you why this new group is called
the Straight Line Connection...). He was needed a gfxman, and he knew that
Spartaco was a great one, thus, after a phone call, the SLC was born.

Introducing "The Fusion"

  In fact, "The Fusion" is a kind of melting pot, made up of routines written
by Rican (sometimes he was inspired by some demos he saw, other times he was
inspired by routines he saw, often he coded on his own...).
There are seven parts in this demo :

  _ The Pictures Introduction Part

      Just a series of gfx drawn by Rican 911 ("The Fusion", "OF" and "AND"
    logos) and Spartaco Crushead ("Rican 911" and "Spartaco Crushead" logos).
    Used language : Turbo Pascal 7.0

  _ The Scrolling Introduction Part

      A single beautifull picture (drawn by Spartaco) with two scrolls of a
    16x16 font. Nothing great, Rican makes what he can.
    Used languages : Turbo Pascal 7.0 and ASM

  _ The Real Fire Part

      When Rican saw the Dust "Elements" demo, he wanted to try to code such
    a fire.
    Used languages : Turbo Pascal 7.0 and ASM

  _ The Fractal Landscape Part

      Rican coded this part in memory of Future Crew "Unreal" demo.
    Used language : Borland C++ 3.1

  _ The Real Time Calculated Plasma Part

      A common plasma routine, just for the fun.
    Used languages : Turbo Pascal 7.0

  _ The Wormhole Part

      "Unreal" was still the godfather this idea.
    Used language : Turbo Pascal 7.0

  _ The End Scroll Part

      A stars background, a Spartaco picture and a single scroll of a 16x16
    Used language : Turbo Pascal 7.0

  _ An amazing extra picture drawn by Spartaco Crushead (he is very good,
    isn't he ?).

  _ An extra message scrolling in text mode using a zoom of the 8x16 bios
    font. Thanks to the Pel Panning register !

The music player module is the famous ModObj. No stereo, speed divided by
ten, but music. SB, SB Pro, Disney Sound Source and D/A Converter supported.

The musics were written by a number of musicians all over the planet. We don't
know who they are, but we thank them a lot.

Introducing the Assembly'94 party

  Going to the famous Assembly party is the dream of each group (particularly
for french groups). So we decided to go to Asm'94 to say : «Our dream came
true» above all. We want to meet all the programming gods (such as Future Crew
members) to show them that they have friends in this shitty France !

Greeting our friends

  A special thank to GORE from Future Crew who corresponds with Rican 911
through InterNet. We are very happy to see that the talls don't snub the
smalls !
  Thanks to all our friends in France, who are supported us.

                                          The Straight Line Connection Members

                        See you in our next demo