Towers of Hanoi by Logiker
Towers of Hanoi Author: Logiker Category: 256 Bytes Game System: C64, BASIC V2 Short Description: A C64 BASIC Game with PETSCII Graphics that implements Tower of Hanoi The game: The game towers of Hanoi is well known. It's a puzzle with three rods. One rod is filled with several disks. It is your task to move the disks form one rod to another one. There are two additional rules: You can only move one disk at one time. A disk can only be placed on an empty rod or on a smaller disk. How to play: You have to move all disks to the third rod. Move your disks by typing <from>,<to> followed by enter. To move a disk from rod 1 to rod 3 you would type "1,3" without quotes and followed by enter. Comments: - 255 Bytes including starting address and final bytes - No file optimization done/needed
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