Nebe a duny by Řrřola [web]
; ___ ; _ / __'__ Nebe a duny ; / \/__|_)\__ (Heaven and dunes) ; / /__ |__)\__ a 252-byte intro by rrrola ; ___ / +__ <> ; \ \/ | \\_/ greets to everyone ; \_/\__| /_/ who likes finding new ways ; .___/ to use old things org 100h SCREEN_OFFSET equ 0x800 ;Init video mode: 640x480, 16 colors mov al,12h int 10h push 0xa000 pop es fninit fldz ; t=time ;Wait for vertical retrace start M:mov dx,0x3da W:in al,dx and al,8 jz W ;Copy the 1-bpp buffer to the screen (with colors) and clear it mov dl,0xce ; Graphics Controller mov ax,0x0305 ; al=5 (GC mode), ah=read mode 0, write mode 3 out dx,ax xor di,di mov bx,480 B:xor ax,ax imul cx,bx,127 add si,cx ; si = error diffusion adc al,9 ; colors: 10 cyan, 11 green, 14 yellow add si,cx adc al,0 cmp al,9 jne E mov al,14 E:xchg ah,al out dx,ax ; al=0 (GC set/reset), ah=color mov cx,640/8 C:salc xchg al,[di+SCREEN_OFFSET] stosb ;e2 f8 loop C ZOOM: ; 0xf84b = 19448 ;4b dec bx jnz B ;Wireframe sphere tesselations: 12x6 10x5 8x4 6x3 4x2 mov dx,6 T:imul cx,dx,2 U:mov bp,dx V:call S ; bx,di = point(cx,bp) of a dx-tesselated sphere mov si,di xchg ax,bx ; -> ax,si inc bp call S call L ; draw a line from (bx>>6,di>>6) to (ax>>6,si>>6) dec bp inc cx call S call L dec cx dec bp jnz V loop U dec dx cmp dx,1 jne T ;Next frame fiadd word[K44]; 44/(2pi) = 7.0028175 (t is an argument for sincos) in al,60h ; esc? cmp al,1 jnz M ; ret ; fallthrough ;Generate a point on a tesselated sphere S:pusha ; pusha: ax cx dx bx sp bp si di mov bx,10 ; adr: bx+4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 add bx,sp ; inputs: U R V ; outputs: Y X fiadd word[bx] ; t+=R: offset animations of different spheres ;Convert spherical coordinates (R=dx,U=cx,V=bp) to 2D Cartesian (bx,di) fild word[bx+2] ; U t fldpi fidiv word[bx] fmulp ; U*=pi/R t fsincos ; cU sU t fld st0 ; cU cU sU t fild word[bx-6] ; V cU cU sU t fldpi fidiv word[bx] fmulp ; V*=pi/R cU cU sU t fadd st4 ; V+=t cU cU sU t fsincos ; cV sV cU cU sU t fmulp st2,st0 ; sV cU*cV cU sU t fmulp st2,st0 ; z=cU*cV x=cU*sV y=sU t fild word[bx] fmul st3,st0 fmul st2,st0 fmulp st1,st0 ; z*=R x*=R y*=R t ;Rotate in the YZ plane fld st0 fld st3 fld st5 ; t y z z x y t fcos fsub st6 ; T=cos(t)-t y z z x y t fsincos ; cT sT y z z x y t fmul st2,st0 ; cT sT cT*y z z x y t fmulp st3,st0 ; sT cT*y cT*z z x y t fmul st3,st0 ; sT cT*y cT*z sT*z x y t fmulp st5,st0 ; cT*y cT*z sT*z x sT*y t faddp st2,st0 ; cT*z cT*y+sT*z x sT*y t fsubp st3,st0 ; z=cT*y+sT*z x y=cT*z-sT*y t fiadd word[DEPTH] fidivr word[ZOOM-1]; Z=zoom/(z+depth) x y t fmul st1,st0 fmulp st2,st0 ; X=x/Z Y=y/Z t fistp word[bx-2] ; saved bx = X fistp word[bx-10]; saved di = Y fisub word[bx] ; t-=R popa ret ;Draw a line from (ax>>6,si>>6) to (bx>>6,di>>6) L pusha sub di,si sub bx,ax mov cx,0x3F06 ; ch = iters sar bx,cl ; bx = (x1-x0) / 64 sar di,cl ; di = (y1-y0) / 64 ;Plot a pixel: ax=X si=Y (fixed-point int10.6) X pusha sar si,cl sar ax,cl imul si,80 ; offset = Y*(screen_width / 8) + X/8 xor al,7 ; 7 is the leftmost pixel from the 8-pixel chunk bts [si+SCREEN_OFFSET+(240*640 + 320)/8],ax F popa add ax,bx ; next pixel add si,di N dec ch jnz X popa ret DEPTH dw 10 K44 dw 44
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