Suction Trombone - Imupasuuna by tAAt [web]
------------------------------- tAAt 2002 ------------------------------- Suction Trombone - Imupasuuna tAAt 2002 Invitation to Altparty 2003 party. Alternative Party 2003 10th-12th January 2003 Gloria Helsinki Finland This 4KB intro requires OpenGL hardware acceleration. And some Win32 OS or whatever (e.g. Win2k works ok). MIDI music is supported. Check that you have selected a preferred MIDI Music Playback device in Settings->Control Panel->Sounds..Props->Audio. Also make sure your MIDI sound isn't muted and that the volume isn't 0% or so. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ,xxx, .xx, .,. .x½½½½½½. ,½½½½½, .,. x½½½;, .½½½P~%½½½. ,½½½XX½½, ,::½½, .,½½½½;:, ,;½½½P' .%½½½, ,½½½P;;X½½p, ..,:::½½½,... .xxx½½½½XXXXXXXXXXXX½½½½½xxxxx½½½½XXXXXXXXXXXXX½½½½xxxx½½½XXXXXXXXXXXX½½½xxxx. .x½½½P::~~~~~~~~:X½½½P;~~~""T½½½½""""""""""x½½½½~'`;;T½½½½P~~~~~~::;½½½x. ½½½½;: .½½½½P;; ;½½½½" ,½½½½P `::X½½½½, ::;½½½ :½½½½;:: ,½½½½P;; ;½½½½. .½½½½P `::X½½½½, ::;½½½x ~%½½½;:. :½½½½P;; %½½½½. .½½½½P `::Xx½½½; :;lXXxX. `"~ ~~~~'' `~"~ """" ~~~~~~ `~~~` ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Internet home: --- E-mail: --- IRCnet: #tAAt
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