
4musiK by Dune & Sector One [web]

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 \  /    \____/  /  \//   /__\/   /__\/   /     / --- SILLY VENTURE 2k18 ---
 \\/______      /    /  _/   /  _/   /   / _   /       GDANSK - POLAND
  \  /  \/     /____/_______/_______/______/  /   --- 02nd-04th November ---
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          \/                  SILLY VENTURE 2k18
                       United Atari scene art festival

                                   - DUNE -
                                - SECTOR ONE -

              are proud to present their first 4K co-op demo called

                                  " 4musiK "

                         for Atari Falcon 030, 14 Mb.

                   Code ................ : Thadoss / Dune
                   Music ............... : Dma-Sc / Sector One


                - An Atari Falcon 030 with at least 14 Mb of RAM
                - At least 4096 bytes of floppy or hard disk space ;)
                - No FPU or accelerated board needed

               Feel the power of the standard 16 Mhz falcon!

               This demo runs on both RGB and VGA screens,
               but it runs better on an RGB monitor.


               At the beginning of september, I woke up and realized
               that I hadn't started to code anything for the
               SillyVenture yet.

               Since a long time, I wanted to make a falcon 4K demo
               with music, as they do on PC or Amiga.
               So now, after two months of work, here it is!

             Technical details:

               This demo is 100% 68030 assembler code + DSP code.
               There's no FPU code.

               The software samples synthesizer uses the code of Cinter4,
               an Amiga sound synthesizer developped by Aske Simon
               Christensen (aka Blueberry).

               The module replay routine uses both the 68030 & DSP code.

                - The DSP code uses automodified code to reduce the size.
                - The 68030 replay routine only allows use of the volume
                  effect on the tracker module file. All other effects
                  have been removed for memory optimisation.

               I used PackFire 1.2k by hitchhikr/Neural to compress.
               The original unpacked PRG takes 17642 bytes all included
               (music patterns, samples definition, code & datas).

             Music details:

               It was fun playing with Cinter synthesis, trying to get
               some interesting sounding instruments from its various
               It reminded me of FM synthesis, but less complicated.

               In the end you can create some pretty 80's sounding
               synth instruments. And even make it rougher by adding
               some distortion.

               Also creating noise from ultra-modulated frequencies,
               is quite like jumping over a border. ;)

                               Thadoss & Dma-Sc
                               Dune & Sector One

                            Have fun, stay (H)Atari.
                               See you in Gdansk.