
Osho by Immortals [web]

       ╒╪════════════════════════════════════─────────────────∙∙∙ ∙  ·  
   ∙ ∙∙┼┘                                                               
       |   I M M O R T A L S / T H E  T E M P L E  O F  M U S I C
       ■                                                             ·   
       ∙                     .---= pRESENTs =---.                    ·
		    the mILLENNIm 97 official demonstration          |
		    O            S           H            O          │
		    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          |
			   Ver 1.2, FiNaL ReLeaSe                    |
	       (GreetingsäÄ òàç) ÜëÿüÆ îÆ ææàüÄ Demoä îïÖ Åààëï      ·
	       !î"àçü ìäî àÆâëÖ  .ÜëîéÉÇü ÆâëÄä ÜÇ üàÜïî àÉêîçä      ·
       :                                                             .
       |   oSHo's Temple - an Immortals/TToM production in the 97
       │   Won *2nd* place in the Israely demo party  mILLENNIUm.
       │   The 3d Engine is a work of Kombat and Rage, Desighn by
       |   Dark Spirit and Kombat,  GFX by Thor and music by Dark
       :   Spirit. This Demo was created just for fun, in 10 days
       ·   +   the  party   time.  The   hebrew  opening   means:

		       Coders  Look for   Themselves
       ·               Immortals     Find       Them
		       In         OSHO's      Temple                ·─╕
       .                                                              |
	   It is based upon an Israely show that took place a few     │
	   weeks before the party.  The greetings in the end  are     │
	   all Private, becouse we think that group greetings can     │
       ·   be nice,  but not personal enough,  because we like to     │
       .   greet people,  and because we have alot  of free space     |
       :   inside the demo. if you are not among the almost sixty     :
       |   people we greet, it says nothing,  so don't be sad. :)     .
       │     w e   l o v e   y o u   a l l ,   y o u   k n o w 
       ╘════───·· · ·
	   Engine coded in  2  months,  still in  c,  nothing  is     
	   optimized,  engine  supports all kinda  shit,  sorry I 
       ·   didnt put in our new engine, I know it sounds lame but      
	   to  whoever thinks  he knows abit  coding its because:     :
       ·   When we implemented backface culling, the engine began 
       :   to go fast, VERY FAST!!!!!!!,  but because our culling     .
       |   isn't correct -=> we just check the z componet of each 
       │   face normal  instead of  doing the dot  product of the 
       |   camera vector with the face  normal or checking if the 
       :   poly points go clock-wise, some bugs like dissapearing     .
       ·   polys in the first  scene occured,  so we just  didn't     :
       ·   put                   it                           in.     |
       ·   After Mil97 we sat abit,  not converting to asm yet or     │
	   optimizing but trying to get everything to work  100%,     │
	   we are  still annoyed by some Angle / Axis Quaternions     |
	   and some  rotation  hirarchey shit,  but no big  deal.     :
	   Engine will be  completed by  ASM97  where we hope  to     .
	   enter    a    very   good   demo,    check   it   out.

		  ╒════────·· ·  ·       ·  · ··────════╕
		  │                                     │
		  |          Coders, Remeber:           |
		  :  "Don't waste your time on stupid   :
		  ·   engines for  demos,  waste your   ·
		  :   time  on  stupid  engines   for   :
		  |   games   and    make   MONEY..."   |
		  │            (Kombat/97:)             │
		  ╘════────·· ·  ·       ·  · ··────════╛

       ∙                                                        ∙ ∙∙─╕  
       ■  End of File  *  (C)opyright   iMR/TToM  *  mILLENNIUm 1997 ╘╡ 
   ∙ ∙─┼──────----∙----───════════════════════════════════════════════╡ 
       │                                   ···nfo art by Dark Spirit···