Zoids - The Short Movie
Title: Zoids - The Short Movie Credit: Balßzs 'Raptor' zoltßn Softwares and hardwares: 3Ds Max 9, Adobe After Effects CS4 Adobe PRemiere Pro CS4 Contact: 3draptor.deviantart.com - zoids modellek youtube.com/rapicsek - tovßbbi zoids animßci≤k veloci.raptorka@gmail.com Comment: 2008-ban kΘszⁿlt animßci≤s kisfilm, els⌡ komolyabb pr≤bßlkozßsom animßci≤s terⁿleten. A renderelΘs felgyorsφtßsa ΘrdekΘben, egyszer√ materialok semmi text·ra
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