A tribute to Gir by Jimage [web]
. ============================= . ' A TRIBUTE TO GIR } . ============================= { ' SYNTAX PARTY MELBOURNE 2008 ' . ============================= . ' } . I had a much more interesting { ' demo in mind, but it turned ' . out to be just beyond my . ' ability. So after giving up } . late into the day of the { ' party, and a couple of drinks ' . of absinth, I whipped up this . ' completely retarded program } . in the 20 minutes before (and { ' 5 during) the demo presentat- ' . ion at the end of the night. . ' } . Then I realised my laptop is { ' yet to be setup for VGA out, ' . so it was necessary to hold . ' it up to display it. Good } . times. { ' ' . Ah, what a wonderful waste of . ' technology. } . { ' Libraries used: ' . Allegro 4.2 . ' JGMOD } . { ' ============================= ' . Jimage : www.jimage.org ' ============================= { imagine greetings here... }
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