Stroke by Astroidea [web]
▐████ ███▌▐████ ████▌▐█▌██ █████ ██▌▀▀▐███▌██▌██▐█▌██▌██▌██▐█████ █████ ▐█▌ ██▌██▐█▌██▌████▌▐██▄▄▄ ▀▀▀██ ▐█▌ ████▌▐█▌██▌█████▐██▀▀▀ ██▌██ ▐█▌ ██▌██▐█▌██▌██▌██▐█████ █████ ▐█▌ ██▌██▐████▌██▌██▐█████ - S - Γ - R - Θ - K - Σ - + a 4K MeGa iNTro by iONic /AstroideA & /D.U.B. + rΣlΣAsEd at ASM'96 + ┌──────┐ │S¥STΣM├───────────────────────────────────────────────────── └──────┘ This intro runs on a 386 too, however a Pentium 100 is recommended. A normal VGA card is enough, but a fast PCI card is better just for the speed. Sound card is not neccessary :-> It requires 550K of base memory! ┌────┐ │¡∩FΘ├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────── └────┘ Why P100? - because of the fake Hi-Color video mode, which is fucking slow - I could not use macros because of the size limit - to tell the truth, I can't code... ;=) Why fake Hi-Color? - because in 4K category, it was required to be 100% VGA compatible. (Suxxx!) - Only a few VGA cards know the 320*200 HiColor mode. (UniVBE suxx) ┌───────────────┐ │PΣRSΘ∩AL GRΣΣΓZ├──────────────────────────────────────────── └───────────────┘ AnDy / BaCTeRia ATX / Shock! Blala / ByTeam Brekk / Unicorn BrumI / BrainSucked Crew B.Z. Ca$h / Mortal Team CuBie / BaCTeRia Cyberdaemon / Hydrogen Derceto / Unicorn dFj / Dinasty Doki EFT / Impulse Emeric / SpaceHawks Envoy / Unicorn Ervin / Abaddon FanThomas / Unique PC (GiGaTHaNX) FooLman / BrainSucked Crew Gaf / Controlled Dreams Genesis / Shock! Grooms / BrainSucked Crew James Baud / Controlled Dreams kh9 LAD / SpaceHawks Megant Murphy O.K. / Unicorn Mr. Renaldo / BrainSucked Crew Pater RoByMuS / ByTeam Rod / Mandula Ruszi / Mortal Team Sabchee / Exhumers Taylor / Criminal Gang Toci / Bodycount TomCat / Abaddon Tomcat2 / Controlled Dreams Trajic / Shock! TSC / Sock! (...oh sorry: Shock!) Tyrant / Murmidones Ward/Enlightenment^Gabber Welder / Exhumers Woland / Exhumers Worf/Controlled Dreams Zool / Mortal Team ┌────────┐ │Co∩ΓacΓ:├─────────────────────────────────────────────────── └────────┘ S-Mail: iONic [Riczkó Zoltán] Vecsés Szondi utca 76/b 2220-Hungary BBS: SCEneT AstroideA WHQ & SCEneST Organizing WHQ Tel.: +36-1-2282883 iONic /Astro¡deA & /D.U.B.
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