003 by Foobug [web] & Scoopex [web]
003 final foobug & scoopex first released @ escape 2001 code ld0d dylan music jobe gfx no gfx nothing rjv should run on a p2-300 / riva tnt 1 should be run on an athlon-1333 / geforce2 ultra 640x480x32bit fullscreen accelerated opengl is good. radeon isn't. you asked for hardware acceleration, live with it. if the music is crippled, blame minifmod this is the final release with a color slider. like it. simple text files rule and yes, it is 46k even though your os says 65536. we decided to pad it with zeroes to look k3wl3r. we greet aardbei array confine coolphat deathstar farbrausch fobia design kolor ltv nightstar ramjam relity tbl truma unique we'd also like to say hello to: entropy md poison ravian shiva sulph (dylan wants to say special *prot* to ya) turbo http://foobug.agentti.de/ http://www.scoopex.org/ if you have any questions, please mail ld0d@kolumbus.fi <rjv> joo sinne loppuun "<rjv> hei olinhan mä ideoimassa!!1" ...bah. nuskool shite.
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