Nuori Neitikansi by Brainlez Coders!
"nuori neitikansi" is a demonstration by brainlez coders! plasma sektio. music by fatality and other by sliver. this is done in 1h10mins so don't start to crying.. aika hyvä perse tuolla telkussa, mutta siis.. yip. just wait our leftoverhangovergameover productions to abduction'96 or assembly'96.. huaoa. i'm crying already. esc quits atleast in few parts.. i got a little something for you, taas se perse heiluu tuolla teeveessä.. enihau whoever you are and you probably are reading this and whatever, alppilaan lukio sucks ja lola on jee. vitun slRR(?),KotRPat(?),HelIt(?).. '98 vuonna bc! kuolee iha selvästi. by now we invite everysceneguy to go out and have some booze, the date is 2nd/august/1996. ARSEMBLY'96 will be somewhere around Helsinki, just for a small inside posse. no entrance fee except you have to buy one drink/beer for organizers.. - be as drunk as you want, just don't puke/break stuff - use drugs, sell 'em, whatever, but take responsibility by yourself. - compos won't have any prizes, just let the booze go down from your mouth. - fake/real id's required with age 18 or up.. don't fuck up with'em. 2nd / august / 1996. remember it and seize da bottle. - bc! posse 11.42pm (16.apr.-96) - last updated 6:11pm (22.apr.-96)
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