Spontz Layers Editor by Spöntz [web]
// Sp÷ntz Layers Editor ---------------------- The Sp÷ntz Layers Editor comes to close the gap between the Visuals Editor and the Engine. It provides realtime effects through a superposition of rendering layers. ************************************************* FEATURES * 3DS and LWO direct loading with textures * Many rendering modes: - Vertexes - Wireframe - Bounding boxes and spheres - Fill with one color - Flat shading - Smooth shading - Normals (per face, per vertex) - Texture - Environmental mapping - Bump mapping * Many realtime filters: - Black and white - Invert colors - High pass filter - Blur and radial blur - Glow and radial glow * Custom blending mode between layers * Custom RGBA color for each layer * Load and save layers files * Export to the Sp÷ntz Visuals Engine ************************************************* This production is available for Win32, Linux and MacOSX. ************************************************* You can find further information and updates about this production on the Sp÷ntz web site: http://www.spontz.org
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