
Afraid of humans by Elerium Core [web]

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       e l e r i u m   c o r e

 We are elerium core.
 We make demos.
 Demos are cool.
 So are we.

 This demo is just a quick hack for Xplanada Party'00. Few FX, bunches of GFX.
 This demo achieved 1st place. It was the only demo that didn't crash.

 Hear what some of our exclusive customers have to say about this product:

 "Will you guys ever make a decent demo? Damn, you suck so hard!" -Intelligent scener

 "Juasjuasjuas!" -Spanish scener

 "Boaahh, flasht ja total!" -Drunk german scener

 contact us if you must: contact@eleriumcore.com

 eoooooo f