WillageTeens by The Moose Brothers
V----------------------------------------------------------------------------V [ T h e m o o s e b r o t h e r s ] | | | ---[ d e m o r e l e a s e ]--- l | | I at hype2k( */2-00) : WillageTeens | | i Y---- - - - ∙ The nerds behind this demo ∙ - - - ----Y ---------------[MUSIC]--------------- Riped from Village poeple ---------------[3DFX]---------------- Gesus,Glazer,Cyc,Bizze ---------------[CODE]---------------- Bizze (Some old code Gosub) ---------------[2DFX]---------------- Glazer ------------[MOVIESTARS]------------- Lenni,The goat,Alex,Gesus,Bizze --------[drunk and anoying]---------- Lator (K2) Y---- - - - ∙ · blablablabla.. ∙ - - - ----Y | | | Recomended system: I | DirectX7 | | 500MHz | | 64Mb ram | i Voodoo2 or better | I A harddrive, will not run from a CD | | CmdLine: | | -nosound = nosound | | -bass = use bass instead of gaudio (defualt) | | -gaudio = use gaudio instead of bass | | | Y---- - - - ∙ · · ∙ - - - ---Y | | | Yo! Another not to serious demo by The Moose Brothers. This time we have | | some ripped music BUT that┤s because the whole idea was built around it.. | | | | This demo is really slow (bad shadows..neither fast nor good loking), but | | who cares? We have also added some new and cool things to our engine such | | as wireframe inspired of the cool dudes from rpl. However just unzip it run| | the exe-file and try to enjoy it! | | | Y---- - - - ∙ · · ∙ - - - ---Y | | | WEHA! | | One year has past since TMB was founded! Here is a list over our releases! | | | |-[ Music ]- | | | | Skylight Hype99 1st | | | |-[ No-accel ]- | | | | Void Hype99 1st | | Life Asm99 10th | | Void Main Demoparty99 1st | | What? TP99 7th | | | |-[ Java ]- | | | | Yava2K Dreamhack99 1st | | | |-[ Other platform ]- | | | | Donut (Ti82) Dreamhack99 2nd | | | |-[ Accel ]- | | | | DH99 invite Asm99 (1st) | | Al Castone Dreamhack99 1st | | WillageTeens Hype2K ?th | \ _____________________________________ | \________________________[ TMB homepage: www.algonet.se/~skede ]_________/ EOF
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