
Spicetro by Pyjama [web]

Spicetro by Pyjama

A quick and dirty production
released 29 June 2000 ...

"Enough Spice boys demos, now
we want some Spice GIRLS ones !"

This one is more or less a fake 
release, containing no real 
effects as usual, but featuring 
Spice Girls pictures !
Learn how the infamous Brits 
came to demoscene and released 
their first demo :)

Made on a 1040 STe and probably
looks better with STe palettes!

Credits for this one :
- GFA+GFX(scans!) : Exocet
- Music           : Housemania
- Player          : Sentry
- Packer          : Sentry

Special thanks to Hylst and STS
for helping me : I asked them
to compile a totally bugged 
source :(
Greets to all ST sceners !

This intro was first supposed to
include something like slighty
advanced coding (with page flips)
but I pitifully failed and just
gave up, as  I didn't want to 
spend too much time on something 
that doesn't really deserve it !
and as a result you can enjoy the
shitty truck animation :)

next release probably at LTP4 
(august) ...with real gfx this 
time :)


