ZAX384 nanogame (384bytes c64 assembly) 1.0 Creator: ixistenz/la1n Gameplay: Protect the planet zaX384 Shoot them all! Survive as long as you can! Control: joystick 1: left & right fire to restart next game Complete C64 shootemup in 384 bytes in 6502 assembly KickAssembler: java -jar KickAss.jar Features - movable ship (joystick 1) - left & right - autoshooting - one shot - 6 different enemies (color) - collisions - scor - restart possible - endless - title - background grafik Language: KickAss-Assembly Usage: java -jar KickAss.jar zax254_c64.asm Greetings: R. Werner, J. Juul and all the other persons crazy enough to code on "this" c64. You are all so masochistic! Documentation/How it works: Web: Next: Look for zaX254 for lovebyte and the question what can you with 130 bytes less .-)
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