Manschester Schwartzwurst by Fit [web]
------------------------------------------ Manschester Schwartzwurst by Fit & Friends ------------------------------------------ requirements ------------ Standard Falcon with 4MB STRAM minimum TV/RGB or VGA monitor credits ------- Code: Marq/Fit (some manure) Sturm (core crap) Acorn (DSP doodoo) Shd/Mystic (duck shit) Gfx: Man/Fit Mistral/Mystic (duck bkgnd) Mzx: Roz/Fit Nothing: Shape/DCS fuckings -------- Dr. Doom/Panaroids ;v) All Lamiga┐ l053rZ!! contact ------- Marq/Fit <> Sturm <> Shd/Mystic <> fanpage ------- - First shown at 2 Alternative party'2000. Released 13th July, 2k -
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