JOULU23 by Extream
********************* * * * JOULU23 * * * * ⌐-------------¬ * * | | * * 9.8. - 29.11.23 * * * ********************* Demo, intro, demro, intmo - It's practically so short, but still owns several screens - Oh well, You decide, we just call it JOULU23 ** Credits for this production are - Music, VonDemus - Voices, Joni, VonDemus, Tayskersantti, Tuteju79, Emphii - Graphics, Tayskersantti, Emphii - Idea, eXtream with tongue in cheek - Code, Emphii - Video for YT and as a backup for the party organizers, VonDemus, Emphii ** Technical jargon - Atari Falcon 030 / 16MHz - 4MB should do that, try to reduce resident prgs to minimum - RGB we prefer as always, but this time we tried to do everything to work on VGA similarly as on rgb - But! In some cases there is unfortunate waiting periods which we couldn't overcome in time. - HDD is must, because of music ** Story behind this production is "boys, they wanna have fun!" We did talk together and were brainstorming, what do we want to do for the Silly Venture 23 Winter Edition party at this time. We realized that Christmas is near and there have been a long time when we released anything just for the Christmas. So ideas began to fly. First decision was, we want to have fun - No gnashing of teeth or that kind of working. Due date was obvious, ready before the party, or it will not be released. Some kind of red thread throughout the production, theme. Well it will be Christmas themed then. What do we have at Christmas? Well, we have presents, christmas tree, santa claus, merry christmas wishes, reindeers, ham, candles, snow.. And endless christmas songs.. So started first screen to realize. Christmas tree contest. It's based on story from Donald Duck, where some maharadzha came to Ducksburg and started to build statues of Cornelius Coot competing with Scrooge McDuck. In the end they built own statues and this screen is based on that particular place in that story. Then Christmas trees usually have decorations. Balls etc. Tunnel effect with balls is always .. An idea :D So it was in this time too. But it's boring if there is not something with it. We wanted to have a flying Santa with the sleigh. Anyway, this santa is not the frendliest one, but Shining one ;) What comes to wishes, it's always a good idea to mention some crews. But we wanted to go a little further - We gathered some friends nationalities and decided to learn, how to say merry Christmas in foreing languages. This was fun, sorry if we do not exactly pronounce it, but that was the best, what koogeltranslator could teach us in a short period of time :D Reindeers - There is a story behind the Santas reindeers. Rudolph the red nose and Boris the brown nose. Boris is as fast flyer than Rudolph is, but unfortunately he is NOT as fast in braking... ** Software used when doing this VonDemus - FL Studio with third party VST plugins * .... - Audacity - DaVinci Resolve - OBS Studio - Handbrake - WhatsApp (voices) Tayskersantti - GIMP Emphii - Devpac - GFA Basic - GIMP - Audacity - Notepad++ - HAtari - uIPTool We used OSSC and Panasonic DMR-ES510 DVD standalone writer for passthru equipment while recording the video with Elgato Cam Link 4K. ** Some mentions: Used code - MP2 player, NoBrain / Nocrew - LZ77 de-/packer, Ray / .tSCc. Fonts - Projects by Fenotype Perhaps it's enough here - Enjoy and have a great Christmas time, where ever you read this. And prosperous year 2024 too! Yours, eXtream, 2023.
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