lucy 32b by Desire [web]
"lucy32b" - 32b intro by HellMood / DESIRE for 32b intro compo @Lovebyte Party 2022 -------------------------------------- this is "lucy" a 64 bytes intro from 2016 now in 32 bytes =) -------------------------------------- --- G R E E T I N G S --- sensenstahl,homecoded,rrrola,frag,T$ Optimus,Trixter,igor,gentleman,VileR JinX,iONic,psenough,gasman,las,deater Whizart,g0blinish,Rudi,ryg,Orby a.k.a. orbitaldecay,wysiwtf,Kuemmel,p01,Lara Dresdenboy,baze,Tomcat,superrogue Oscar Toledo,Drift,maugli,Harekiet Pestis,gopher,Logiker,havoc,RamonB5 --- C A P T U R E S --- --- C O N T A C T --- discord : HellMood#0314
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