True Fade by Floppy Disk Jockeys
┌──┬───┬─────────────┬───┐ WN 25.01.02 │ │ │ MF-2HD┌───┐ │ └\ │ │ │ 3.5" │ │ │ H) │ │ │ │ IBM │ │ │ │ │ │ │ FORMAT└───┘ │ │ │ └───╧═════════════╛ │ │ ╔════════════════════╗ │ │ ║ ┬┼┼Σ ╒└ΘPP¥ δ¡$k ║ │ │ ║ √Θ¢kΣ¥$ ║ │ │ ║ present ║ │ │ ║ "True Fade" ║ │ │▀▀║ a 256 bytro by tAz ║▀▀│ └──╨────────────────────╨──┘ 320x200/256colors.DOScom tAz of the FDJs entry to the 0a000h PC_256b_Intro-Compo. Feel free to spread, but don't blame us for any harm it will do. C:\>OVER_&_OUT!
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