Oops...I Made a Demo by Hybrid [web]
Oops...I Made a Demo (compo version) ------------------------------------ A Hybrid Production in the year of 2002 Code, Gfx and Music made by Sane Just run OIMAD.EXE to start the demo (or whatever it should be called) I don't have much time to explain, but lets just say it's not a good idea to start coding the demo same day as the deadline, especially not when you hardly have any time during the day for it. Greetings to: Wildcard, Elf, Freedy, Krille, Qasir, Toshi, Lithium and anyone I might have forgotten. If you're really lucky you'll hear some music in the demo, but most likely you won't. If you would hear music anyways and don't want to, or if the sound goes weird, just write -NOSOUND at the command line. This time I'll definately release a final version, that'll contain all I intended to put into this one. Look for it at http://www.hybd.net/ Mail me at sane@hybd.net
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