
Smoke2 by Mad Virgin [web]


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			    pC dEMo "sMOKe" ReViSiON 2

			reLLeased at YALP in january 1999

       - VESA 2.0, software or hardware, beacose demo works only in
	 true color 320x200 mode and request Linear Frame Buffer.
       - 8Mb of RAM
       - P166 or better ;)
       - sound card or no sound ;)

       If you have problems with running this demo then please try to
       - run demo with something on the command line eq. "smoke c"
	 and you will get into the midas sound config.
       - use UNIVBE v5.2 or newer.
       - make univbe.drv with -i switch and then copy it to the
	 smoke directory.

       First of all, we made "smoke" for SCENE STRIKE 3 and it was total
       disaster and of course our first PC demo. We decide to realease
       "smoke" rev.2 on YALP beacose it is good demo and we didn't have
       enough time for making another demo since we start making
       "smoke" rev.2 on 20.12.1998.

0LD l0ve never die$! (AMiGA)

   cODe......: NoaH
   GfX.......: Ramona
   GfX.......: Freak
   MusiC.....: Tranceweaver

   MaD!ViRGiN^ http://SOLAIR.EUnet.yu/~freak/mv/