
Suattaapi olla flässiä by Hsal Fove

                   _____               _               _____
             .____/ __  \____       __/ \__       ____/  __ \____.
     .  _____|___/_/__\  \__ \ ____ \     / ____ / __/  /__\_\___|_____  .
     . /  ___|:::::::  \__  \ \\__ \ \___/ / __// /  __/ ::::::::|___  \    
     :/  / __|:::::       \__\______\_   _/______/__/      ::::::|__ \  \:  
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   |_|___/___|:                                                 :|___\___|_|
   | |             .___._____________     _____  .___.                   | :
   | |            _|   |    _/    __/_____\___ \_|   |____               | |
   | |            \_  ___   |_____    \_   ___   \_  /    \_             | |
   | |             |  \ /   ||   /     |    \     |         |            | |
   | |             l___\    |l___\     |_____\    |__\      l            | |
   | |                  \___|     \____|      \___|   \_____|            | |
   | |             __________   __________._____________                 . |
   | |             \_   ____/__/     \    |    _/  ____/                 | |
   | |              |  _______/       \   |    |    __|____.             | |
   | |              |  \     |       _/   |    |_   \      |             | |
   | |              l___\    |       \_        _/____\     |             | |
   | |                   \___l_______/ \______/eHb    \____|             | |
   | .                                                                   | :
   | |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. .
   | |:::::::                                                     :::::::| |
   | |::::                                                           ::::| |
   | |::                           Hsal Fove                           ::| |
   | |:                                                                 :| |
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   | |                   P   R   E   S   E   N   T   S                   | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | :                                                                   | |
   | |                    4k Intro for Assembly 2010                     | |
   | |                                                                   . |
   | |                                                                   : |
   | |                     " Suattaapi olla flΣssiΣ "                    | |
   | .                                                                   | |
   | :                                                                   | |
   | |                             credits                               : |
   | |                                                                   . |
   | |               Ilmari ....................... code                 | |
   | |               Ismo ......................... code                 | |
   | |                                                                   . |
   | :                                                                   | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |    Requires Flashplayer 10 or Flashplayer 10.1 installed on       | |
   | |    default browser to run.                                        | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |    To enter fullscreen, click the intro with mouse. You can       | |
   | |    exit fullscreen mode by pressing esc.                          | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |    Notes: As with all swf intros, multiple versions are           | |
   | |    provided to satisfy different requirements                     | |
   | |    on what is "4k intro".                                         | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |    exe: Crinkler 1.1a + Crinkler 1.2 recompress                   | |
   | |    version (4094 bytes) that drops html+swf to system temp        | |
   | |    and starts it in browser.                                      | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |    exe_safe: Regular MSVC linker version of same                  | |
   | |    dropper (10240 bytes)                                          | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |    swf_only: Pure flash version (4004 bytes) with only            | |
   | |    the swf. For fullscreen support you need to have standalone    | |
   | |    Flashplayer 10                                                 | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |    swf+html: Some syntatic shit to support intro on browsers      | |
   | |    with fullscreen mode and automatic player updating etc.        | |
   | |    swf itself is same as with others.                             | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |    Due to way exes are packed most anti-virii will prevent        | |
   | |    them from working and note that they are trojan.generic        | |
   | |    and what not. Use the swf directly if you are worried.         | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |    Note for recorder: There is no pre-play on this intro which    | |
   | |    means that recording must start instantly after clicking.      | |
   | |                                                                   | |
   | |.                                                                 :| |
   | |::                                                               ::| |
   | |::::                                                           ::::| |
   | |:::::::.... ___                  _                  ___ ....:::::::| |
   |_|________    \  \___ __ ____  ___/ \___  ____ __ ___/  /    ________|_|
   |_|______  \____\___  \\_\\__ \ \       / / __//_//  ___/____/  ______|_|
   : .      \________  \  \_____\ \_\     /_/ /_____/  /  ________/      . :
   .                 \__\____                     ____/__/                 .
                 _ ___ ____ _  suattaapiollaniii  _ ____ ___ _
                           \\\_______    ________///
                                    /    \
                                   /__  __\          