All these songs by Headcrash [web]
._______ ____ _____| |____ _______.__\\_ /________ _) | | _/ | _/ / \ _ | \ | \ \_ /_____\_______|____\_______|____\__________/ .-diP-----------------------------------bM-. A L L T H E S E S O N G S by headcrash pc 64k intro this is obviously a compo filler because asked me so nicely. nevertheless this intro carries a message which may seem pathetic but I'm very serious with that. I'd like to thank the various bands referenced in this intro for keeping me alive. you are making me happy. every day. I'd like to thank red for making the track for this intro in a very short time. I'd like to thank the tUM organizing team for 10 years of winter party ownage. I'd like to thank the demoscene for making me happy since 1997. despite the simple effects this intro again needs a video card supporting GLSL and FBOs. hooray. credits: styx/headcrash red music additional credits: firelight multimedia minifmod farbrausch executable packer contact: signed, styx.december 2oo9 beware of the elk.
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