
World War II memoirs (special edition)

    World War II memoirs (special edition)
      by Milan Kolarovic (a.k.a. Acumen)

 Duration 4 min 59 sec
 Filename World War II memoirs (special edition) by Milan Kolarovic.avi
 Filesize 23 484 kb
 Finished 16.01.2002 (dd/mm/yy)
 Released 16.01.2002 (dd/mm/yy)
 Format   DivX Codec 4.12 (Build 307) with Mpeg-1 Layer 3 (MP3) audio
 Bitrate  2-Pass Encoding Bitrate 500 kilobits/sec (VBR)
 Video    640x480 / 25 FPS (PAL) / 7495 frames / Max Keyframe: 50 frames
 Audio    128 kbps / 44.1 kHz / 16 bit / stereo / Lame MP3 ACM codec (CBR)

 Video Codec : http://www.divx.com
 Audio Codec : http://www.riphelp.com/downloads/lame_codec.html

 NOTE: If the video seems to be out of sync with the music, try lowering the
 postprocessing level of your DivX Decoder Filter in the advanced properties.

 --Contact information-----------------------------------
 Email: milan@milankolarovic.com

 Mailing address: Milan Kolarovic,
 Hollontie 59, 35320 Hirsila, Finland.

 Tel.  : +358505251135
 ICQ   : 20681114 
 IRCnet: #acumen

 Copyright ⌐ 2001, 2002 Milan Kolarovic
 All rights reserved worldwide.