Secret Garden by acidrain [web]
________ ._________ .___) / _____________.___\\ _ .-------. \\_ ______ _ _ // _)_____/___ | % _ _____ //____ /____________ /___// % | | )______ )______\ )______\_ .-------. | s | ._______ _ ___/ ___ | g | | | ._____\\ ______________ ___//__ | | | e | \\ _ )____/ _ // / --| a |-. .-------. |_______| ______ /____________ // `-------' | | c | |------.|______\ | )______\ |______\ r | | |---' | | .------------------------. | `-----r-' .:________ `-------| .________ d |---' | ____\\ ___________:_____\\ | | e .----// _)_____/ - (// _ )____/___ e | `-----| _______ ______| ______| /___// | t | /______\ |______\ |______\ .-n-----. | |.________ `-------.________----| | % | ___:\\ _____________.___\\ _ | % | | _/ /| (/ _ / `-------' `-----_______ ______ /_____//____| _ )______\ )______\ prk!|______\ .________. .________. .________. \\_____( requirments )_____//=================================)_____// 486 w/ 387 math co-processor and about 14 megs of ram though a fast pentium (166 or above) recommended .________. .________. .________. \\_____( credits )_____//=====================================)_____// melwyn - music code nemesulku - pixels modelling parkitus - ascii tapeworm - 3d engine and some stuff .________. .________. .________. \\_____( greetings )_____//===================================)_____// melwyn - sola and viznut nemesulku - parkitus and dalammas parkitus - "laita siihen jotain paskaa" .________. .________. ._______. \\_____(=====================================\\_____( o2.o1.99 )_____//
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