
Comeback. by Base [web]

 Comeback by Base Demogroup

 We are already back from Tibet.

 - code by Double
 - graphics by Triple
 - music by Triple
 - tinyptc by gaffer
 - minifmod by Firelight Multimedia

 You don't need a computer because you are reading this.

 With this demo, we make our comeback to scene. We want to thank everyone for your
 support again. Why are we coming back? We've received a bunch of fanmail from all
 the females in demoscene, and we thought we were in debt with them. So this is our
 1st prod in the most awaited comeback of the history of demoscene.
 Double y Triple are back home safe and sound. Pishaman was finally able to contact
 with Quadruple and for reasons he doesn't want to explain he's on his way to Turkey
 (we suspect it has something to do with Quadruple's new career)

 Quadruple, who has lost like 20 kilos since last time we saw him (before his Turkey
 adventure), has decided to become a porn actor. Because of this, it shouldn't surprise
 you that he presents his dick in a fast graphics compo. He says his dick grew like 15
 cm in his trip to Turkey, where he joined a famous circus, and where the   african 
 performers did some weird black magic on what is becoming the next big thing in the 
 spanish porn industry.

 Respect to the Spanish scene, specially the fellows at www.escena.org. You are very cool.

 Hello, Demoscene.

 We are back!

 - Triple / Base
 An Unknwown place in my hometown, 15:37, Nov 6th 2001